It's been a month since my last post and I am sure I don't need to tell you where I have been or what I have been doing... LOL. You can only imagine. I have tried almost every week to post something but "someone" or something always needs my attention. :-) Well I said that today - it being Sunday especially - I would make SURE I took time out to say - All is well and we are just getting started...
On Sunday, December 5th @ 9:36pm, my life as I knew it changed forever. When they put that little person on your chest for the first time - it is true - you DO forget the previous 21 hours of labor. Yes I said 21 hours. But I wouldn't say that was consistent hours. Labor contractions were off and on and believe it or not, I only pushed for 30 minutes but that is for another blog. :-)
But back to life as I knew it and it changing forever... It has been a whirlwind but all good! I am sleepy right now, so I will make this quick. Ethan Grady (his formal name - also for another blog) is a sweet, sweet, sweet and I can't wait for each of you to meet him. I plan to put pictures up soon as well but he is changing so rapidly sometimes I want time to just stand still for a minute but I know he has to grow up - as did I. I am looking forward to that as well.
So I just wanted to let you know that I am here and wanted to touch base. Again, I'll post pictures soon and update the blog again with more info. But right now... its night night time :-)
Until then....
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Countdown to Baby G!
Hello All!
Of course you know where I have been!! :-) I have been making much needed preparations for Baby G. The last item on my To-do list is complete and I can now say that I am TRULY in the "waiting phase".
Since I last posted I have been a BUSY bee! We finished up our childbirth/breastfeeding classes. All of which were wonderful and eye opening. So much to remember though. I hope I don't forget anything. But I am assured that it will all come back to me when the time comes. I hope so! In the midst of the classes, we moved the last weekend in October. We are in a FABULOUS place that we love! (See, a little prayer and patience go a long way! :-)) Remember that I was holding out for a garage? Well I found a lovely place in a great area with a garage AND a room that had already been painted the baby blue that I wanted. Now how COOL is that! Our new home is completely unpacked and everything has and is in its place (thanks to Mom for helping out with that - could NOT have done it without you!).
Meanwhile, my family and friends threw a baby shower for us that was earlier this month and it was WONDERFUL! I have such an AMAZING family and a GREAT group of friends who blessed us in so many ways with such wonderful gifts and contributions to Baby G. The shower timing was perfect as my nesting phase of cleaning and preparing kicked in around that time and everything had to be done like yesterday! And it was! My husband is the MAN!! He has been so helpful through all of this - putting stuff up, taking it down, rearranging it, putting it back, AND still working every day! He is the GREATEST! And so I am happy to say the house is done - the baby's room is done my bag is packed, the baby seat is in and safely anchored. We're ready! Now the question is... when??
As of Today, my due date is exactly 7 days away! How exciting!! It is possible that within this week, I will be a bonified NEW mom! Though, I think Baby G will go all the way to his due date - December 5th. At least that was our deal! :-)
Are you ready? Are you scared? Are you nervous? I don't have a hard and fast answer to those questions. It's a mixed bag of emotions for me right now. I guess where I am now is the fear of the unknown. I probably should have left some things undone so I would have something else to focus on because right now, I am literally waiting on an experience in which I have never embarked upon before. No one can really prepare you and I try not to dwell on the horror stories. But other than that, I am excited. I am looking forward to seeing what he will look like. The 4-D ultrasound was done almost 4 months ago, and I am sure he has changed drastically since that time. So I am excited about that. And honestly I am excited about this new journey of becoming a mom. I am looking forward to all that it brings and entering the world of parenthood!
All in all, I am just excited! I would venture to say the next time you hear from you, Baby G will have arrived. I can't wait for him to meet all of you! :-) In the meantime, let me get some rest, while the getting is still good. Stay tuned. :-)
Until next time....
Of course you know where I have been!! :-) I have been making much needed preparations for Baby G. The last item on my To-do list is complete and I can now say that I am TRULY in the "waiting phase".
Since I last posted I have been a BUSY bee! We finished up our childbirth/breastfeeding classes. All of which were wonderful and eye opening. So much to remember though. I hope I don't forget anything. But I am assured that it will all come back to me when the time comes. I hope so! In the midst of the classes, we moved the last weekend in October. We are in a FABULOUS place that we love! (See, a little prayer and patience go a long way! :-)) Remember that I was holding out for a garage? Well I found a lovely place in a great area with a garage AND a room that had already been painted the baby blue that I wanted. Now how COOL is that! Our new home is completely unpacked and everything has and is in its place (thanks to Mom for helping out with that - could NOT have done it without you!).
Meanwhile, my family and friends threw a baby shower for us that was earlier this month and it was WONDERFUL! I have such an AMAZING family and a GREAT group of friends who blessed us in so many ways with such wonderful gifts and contributions to Baby G. The shower timing was perfect as my nesting phase of cleaning and preparing kicked in around that time and everything had to be done like yesterday! And it was! My husband is the MAN!! He has been so helpful through all of this - putting stuff up, taking it down, rearranging it, putting it back, AND still working every day! He is the GREATEST! And so I am happy to say the house is done - the baby's room is done my bag is packed, the baby seat is in and safely anchored. We're ready! Now the question is... when??
As of Today, my due date is exactly 7 days away! How exciting!! It is possible that within this week, I will be a bonified NEW mom! Though, I think Baby G will go all the way to his due date - December 5th. At least that was our deal! :-)
Are you ready? Are you scared? Are you nervous? I don't have a hard and fast answer to those questions. It's a mixed bag of emotions for me right now. I guess where I am now is the fear of the unknown. I probably should have left some things undone so I would have something else to focus on because right now, I am literally waiting on an experience in which I have never embarked upon before. No one can really prepare you and I try not to dwell on the horror stories. But other than that, I am excited. I am looking forward to seeing what he will look like. The 4-D ultrasound was done almost 4 months ago, and I am sure he has changed drastically since that time. So I am excited about that. And honestly I am excited about this new journey of becoming a mom. I am looking forward to all that it brings and entering the world of parenthood!
All in all, I am just excited! I would venture to say the next time you hear from you, Baby G will have arrived. I can't wait for him to meet all of you! :-) In the meantime, let me get some rest, while the getting is still good. Stay tuned. :-)
Until next time....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
"Crying is like taking your soul to the laundry mat" - Lyfe Jennings
Friday, October 8th at around 3:30am - I was supposed to be getting up preparing to head out to Charlotte, NC for a conference. Instead, I am still lying in the bed... mad! I was excited about going to the conference, but I just didn't want to leave that early. We didn't get into bed until after 11pm and 4 hours later we were supposed to be leaving to travel 7 hours to NC. Thursday had been a long full day. Ezra had a long work day and I had been my own busy bee. Drs Appt, hair salon, run a few errands, get Tux off to the sitter, child-birth class (where with no prior warning they showed "THE VIDEO" - I'll get back to this). Class didn't end until after 9pm. I didn't think a 3am leave time was wise, especially since Thursday was slammed and we hadn't gotten much sleep. Not to mention, I don't like night driving. It makes me sleepy. And my husband can sometimes get sleepy driving around during the day (LOL). So in my mind, this wasn't the best plan.
So I lay in bed contemplating my next move as he continues to prepare to leave. Hmmmmm I could just lay here, go back to sleep until I am ready to go which would be about 2 hrs from now LOL - Surely he won't leave me. Why this early????? I'm tired, I know he's tired. This is neither safe, nor wise. It's dark out and I'm sleepy. Ok I'll just lay here and go back to sleep. But that will just make it worse. Baby G - are you up too? I know.. it's early. When it comes time for you to make your debut - I am going to need you to just slide on out. Those women seemed to be in a lot of pain. What have I done??? Am I really having a baby? Time is flying... We still don't have a place to live (I couldn't do the green carpet). I have to pack, but what if I can't find a place? Is my body really going to expand like that?? Ooohhh it looked like so much pain! I'm so sleepy, I'm tired, I'm..... crying?? Stop the ride... I want to get off RIGHT HERE!!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.. Ok it was not "shoulder jerking crying" but it was a good cry. It was as if my thoughts were someone filling up a cup with water, and but they didn't know when to stop so it started to overflow and spill out.
It would be my first cry during my pregnancy. I am told every pregnant woman has at least one. See, I am not by nature a "crier" as one would call it. I am very sensitive (contrary to popular belief), but I tend to handle things differently. I just don't cry easily. But on this occasion, a cry was warranted and was coming whether I wanted it to or not. And I needed it. As I quoted in the subtitle - it was truly like going to the laundry mat. After I was done, I was done and I felt a TON better. It was almost as if I had come out "clean" and renewed. I looked at everything differently. I prayed - Ok God, keep him awake and if you don't then we just deal with what comes of that. I know we will find a place and I will get it all done - I'm not worried anymore. And finally Lord, Childbirth is what it is, and I am going to be just fine. I just can't wait to see my son and I'll be excited about it all rather than be afraid.
And with that prayer, I was done. I had left the laundry mat and my soul was refreshed and clean. As you can see, we made it there and back safely. We found a FABULOUS place (God always has a ram in the bush:-)). My friend Stephanie is my witness - the stairs where we are now are NOT your friend. And finally, I am no longer worried about birthing my baby! (at least not today) :-)
As for the video - you can see how it weaseled its way into my thoughts. It must have been heavy in my subconscious because I am thinking I am mad about leaving early and I start thinking about childbirth. I knew the video was coming but I thought it would be a few classes later. I couldn't tell you how the other men in the class were reacting. I was focused on one - mine! And he looked like (and even verbalized) "What have I done???" We both could do nothing but laugh - which lightened the mood.
We've got two more classes and then one on breastfeeding and classes are done. This week is the hospital tour. I am excited about that. Next weekend, we move to our new home. We'll unpack, we'll get settled and then we'll wait for Baby G. As always, I'll keep you posted.
Until next time....
Friday, October 8th at around 3:30am - I was supposed to be getting up preparing to head out to Charlotte, NC for a conference. Instead, I am still lying in the bed... mad! I was excited about going to the conference, but I just didn't want to leave that early. We didn't get into bed until after 11pm and 4 hours later we were supposed to be leaving to travel 7 hours to NC. Thursday had been a long full day. Ezra had a long work day and I had been my own busy bee. Drs Appt, hair salon, run a few errands, get Tux off to the sitter, child-birth class (where with no prior warning they showed "THE VIDEO" - I'll get back to this). Class didn't end until after 9pm. I didn't think a 3am leave time was wise, especially since Thursday was slammed and we hadn't gotten much sleep. Not to mention, I don't like night driving. It makes me sleepy. And my husband can sometimes get sleepy driving around during the day (LOL). So in my mind, this wasn't the best plan.
So I lay in bed contemplating my next move as he continues to prepare to leave. Hmmmmm I could just lay here, go back to sleep until I am ready to go which would be about 2 hrs from now LOL - Surely he won't leave me. Why this early????? I'm tired, I know he's tired. This is neither safe, nor wise. It's dark out and I'm sleepy. Ok I'll just lay here and go back to sleep. But that will just make it worse. Baby G - are you up too? I know.. it's early. When it comes time for you to make your debut - I am going to need you to just slide on out. Those women seemed to be in a lot of pain. What have I done??? Am I really having a baby? Time is flying... We still don't have a place to live (I couldn't do the green carpet). I have to pack, but what if I can't find a place? Is my body really going to expand like that?? Ooohhh it looked like so much pain! I'm so sleepy, I'm tired, I'm..... crying?? Stop the ride... I want to get off RIGHT HERE!!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.. Ok it was not "shoulder jerking crying" but it was a good cry. It was as if my thoughts were someone filling up a cup with water, and but they didn't know when to stop so it started to overflow and spill out.
It would be my first cry during my pregnancy. I am told every pregnant woman has at least one. See, I am not by nature a "crier" as one would call it. I am very sensitive (contrary to popular belief), but I tend to handle things differently. I just don't cry easily. But on this occasion, a cry was warranted and was coming whether I wanted it to or not. And I needed it. As I quoted in the subtitle - it was truly like going to the laundry mat. After I was done, I was done and I felt a TON better. It was almost as if I had come out "clean" and renewed. I looked at everything differently. I prayed - Ok God, keep him awake and if you don't then we just deal with what comes of that. I know we will find a place and I will get it all done - I'm not worried anymore. And finally Lord, Childbirth is what it is, and I am going to be just fine. I just can't wait to see my son and I'll be excited about it all rather than be afraid.
And with that prayer, I was done. I had left the laundry mat and my soul was refreshed and clean. As you can see, we made it there and back safely. We found a FABULOUS place (God always has a ram in the bush:-)). My friend Stephanie is my witness - the stairs where we are now are NOT your friend. And finally, I am no longer worried about birthing my baby! (at least not today) :-)
As for the video - you can see how it weaseled its way into my thoughts. It must have been heavy in my subconscious because I am thinking I am mad about leaving early and I start thinking about childbirth. I knew the video was coming but I thought it would be a few classes later. I couldn't tell you how the other men in the class were reacting. I was focused on one - mine! And he looked like (and even verbalized) "What have I done???" We both could do nothing but laugh - which lightened the mood.
We've got two more classes and then one on breastfeeding and classes are done. This week is the hospital tour. I am excited about that. Next weekend, we move to our new home. We'll unpack, we'll get settled and then we'll wait for Baby G. As always, I'll keep you posted.
Until next time....
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Expectant Mom is enjoying the downhill ride... for the most part
I know. I'm 3 weeks late. I actually have a COUPLE of good excuses. :-) For one, I can definitely point back to where I said I would "try" to do once a week. I didn't promise - so that should let me off the hook a little bit. It truly was my plan to do once a week but what's the old saying about "plans"? "The best laid plans often go awry" - (from the book Of Mice and Men). Ok, so that is Excuse #1. Excuse #2 - Let's think back a few posts. Remember when I said there was a proverbial snowball in which event after event, it picks up snow... gets bigger.. and goes faster??? Ok, so that is Excuse #2. I have been trying to juggle all of these life changing events (of which I know I should be blogging about) But they are happening so fast that time gets away from me. So bear with me - I'll be a little long-winded today but I know you've been waiting, so here it goes.. :-)
Ok, so it hasn't been anything real monumental but basically it's all of the tasks that still need to be done before the baby comes. THANK YOU LORD for friends and family who have pitched in to help me! I've got one friend coming weekly to help me do whatever I need (Thanks Steph) and another who after 3 visits to the store we finally finished 1 of the registries (Thanks Lisa) This is all in the midst of her losing her cat of 11 years (a moment of silence for Casper please....) and being sick. Not to mention, my sister-in-law who is pitching in to do the other registry (Thanks Tiffanie), because I don't think I could have done another one.
Who knew it would take 3 days to do a registry. I must admit, we were only there for an hour the 1st day and I thought I would pass out - literally and figuratively. I did have to leave due to feeling faint, but on top of that we had just gotten down the 1st aisle. My head was spinning from all of the STUFF to think about, to get - what in the WORLD????? "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!!!" (Butterfly McQueen - Gone with the Wind). It was mind boggling - not to mention, I am so used to picking up the registry for others, I just couldn't believe I was actually doing one for myself. Trust me - as I type - it is still very surreal.
On top of all of that, I've got this in INSANE idea to move! GASP!!! Ok close your mouth - you heard/read correctly. Yes we are moving to a new place. If you have seen where I live as many of you have, you understand why and sympathize. Without going into details, we are moving probably in the next two weeks. Long story short, I live in a 3 story townhome where the 1st floor where the entrance is has the washer/dryer and the third floor is living space. Two flights of stairs + All day every day + baby = NOT HAPPENING! :-) It sounds like I am cutting it close timewise, but I have been looking probably since end of August beginning of September. It takes time to find a good place. We have a lot of stipulations too so it has taken a minute. I think we have narrowed it down but now we may have to contend with HIDEOUS hunter green carpet. If you have any ideas on covering that up - less a bazillion area rugs - please, by all means.. share and share quickly. At any rate, I think I am willing to deal with it for the time being. It has everything else we want and need. Would I give that up because of green carpet??? I am still working on determining that. Pray for a sister! :-)
So last week we started child-birth classes and we had a good time. Our first lesson was on nutrition and eating healthy for the baby. I thought it a bit odd that we started off with nutrition seeing as though we are all in our 3rd trimester. But the nutritionist did say that they concentrate here because the baby will grow the most in these next couple of months. And you want to make sure you are eating properly for that. So that was cool. We haven't gotten to the deep stuff like labor yet, but it's coming and so are the videos. Now this will be interesting to see how the men - including mine - will react to the child-birthing video. I will definitely have to keep you posted on that one.
So aside from packing, looking for a place, finishing registries, there is still quite a bit to do.. and once again Fabulous Friends are pitching in. I still have to do the room wherever we land (Thanks Oksana) and I still need to take pregnancy pics (Thanks Samon) and several other little things to take care of.
As of today, October 5th, I have exactly 8 weeks to the due date. Tomorrow marks the start of my 32nd week (which puts me at the start of 8 months). I am on my two week visits and have another doctor's appointment on Thursday. Baby G is rumbling and tumbling pretty well. He is obviously growing and has found his way to my right rib cage. I'm starting to lose sleep which sounds like I am right on track! I've managed to range from 2 to 4 pillows nightly, but still haven't really found a good way to get completely comfortable. I was on my laptop on Sunday afternoon (looking for places) when the "sleepy stick" (as Ezra and I like to call it) smacked me right over the head. Next thing I know, I was knocked out for about 2.5 hrs. Now I don't nap often at all -(even during the entire pregnancy, I probably napped once on a Sunday) so I am getting TIRED and it is hitting me with no warning.
But all in all, it is ALL GOOD! As I said in the subtitle - I am enjoying the ride for the most part. Of course anxiety, worry, nervousness, panic - they all have their place and have played their role diligently but I am taking it all in stride and excited about it all. It is going to be FUN! And I appreciate you all hanging out with me thus far. It's been great!
Until next time.....
I know. I'm 3 weeks late. I actually have a COUPLE of good excuses. :-) For one, I can definitely point back to where I said I would "try" to do once a week. I didn't promise - so that should let me off the hook a little bit. It truly was my plan to do once a week but what's the old saying about "plans"? "The best laid plans often go awry" - (from the book Of Mice and Men). Ok, so that is Excuse #1. Excuse #2 - Let's think back a few posts. Remember when I said there was a proverbial snowball in which event after event, it picks up snow... gets bigger.. and goes faster??? Ok, so that is Excuse #2. I have been trying to juggle all of these life changing events (of which I know I should be blogging about) But they are happening so fast that time gets away from me. So bear with me - I'll be a little long-winded today but I know you've been waiting, so here it goes.. :-)
Ok, so it hasn't been anything real monumental but basically it's all of the tasks that still need to be done before the baby comes. THANK YOU LORD for friends and family who have pitched in to help me! I've got one friend coming weekly to help me do whatever I need (Thanks Steph) and another who after 3 visits to the store we finally finished 1 of the registries (Thanks Lisa) This is all in the midst of her losing her cat of 11 years (a moment of silence for Casper please....) and being sick. Not to mention, my sister-in-law who is pitching in to do the other registry (Thanks Tiffanie), because I don't think I could have done another one.
Who knew it would take 3 days to do a registry. I must admit, we were only there for an hour the 1st day and I thought I would pass out - literally and figuratively. I did have to leave due to feeling faint, but on top of that we had just gotten down the 1st aisle. My head was spinning from all of the STUFF to think about, to get - what in the WORLD????? "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!!!" (Butterfly McQueen - Gone with the Wind). It was mind boggling - not to mention, I am so used to picking up the registry for others, I just couldn't believe I was actually doing one for myself. Trust me - as I type - it is still very surreal.
On top of all of that, I've got this in INSANE idea to move! GASP!!! Ok close your mouth - you heard/read correctly. Yes we are moving to a new place. If you have seen where I live as many of you have, you understand why and sympathize. Without going into details, we are moving probably in the next two weeks. Long story short, I live in a 3 story townhome where the 1st floor where the entrance is has the washer/dryer and the third floor is living space. Two flights of stairs + All day every day + baby = NOT HAPPENING! :-) It sounds like I am cutting it close timewise, but I have been looking probably since end of August beginning of September. It takes time to find a good place. We have a lot of stipulations too so it has taken a minute. I think we have narrowed it down but now we may have to contend with HIDEOUS hunter green carpet. If you have any ideas on covering that up - less a bazillion area rugs - please, by all means.. share and share quickly. At any rate, I think I am willing to deal with it for the time being. It has everything else we want and need. Would I give that up because of green carpet??? I am still working on determining that. Pray for a sister! :-)
So last week we started child-birth classes and we had a good time. Our first lesson was on nutrition and eating healthy for the baby. I thought it a bit odd that we started off with nutrition seeing as though we are all in our 3rd trimester. But the nutritionist did say that they concentrate here because the baby will grow the most in these next couple of months. And you want to make sure you are eating properly for that. So that was cool. We haven't gotten to the deep stuff like labor yet, but it's coming and so are the videos. Now this will be interesting to see how the men - including mine - will react to the child-birthing video. I will definitely have to keep you posted on that one.
So aside from packing, looking for a place, finishing registries, there is still quite a bit to do.. and once again Fabulous Friends are pitching in. I still have to do the room wherever we land (Thanks Oksana) and I still need to take pregnancy pics (Thanks Samon) and several other little things to take care of.
As of today, October 5th, I have exactly 8 weeks to the due date. Tomorrow marks the start of my 32nd week (which puts me at the start of 8 months). I am on my two week visits and have another doctor's appointment on Thursday. Baby G is rumbling and tumbling pretty well. He is obviously growing and has found his way to my right rib cage. I'm starting to lose sleep which sounds like I am right on track! I've managed to range from 2 to 4 pillows nightly, but still haven't really found a good way to get completely comfortable. I was on my laptop on Sunday afternoon (looking for places) when the "sleepy stick" (as Ezra and I like to call it) smacked me right over the head. Next thing I know, I was knocked out for about 2.5 hrs. Now I don't nap often at all -(even during the entire pregnancy, I probably napped once on a Sunday) so I am getting TIRED and it is hitting me with no warning.
But all in all, it is ALL GOOD! As I said in the subtitle - I am enjoying the ride for the most part. Of course anxiety, worry, nervousness, panic - they all have their place and have played their role diligently but I am taking it all in stride and excited about it all. It is going to be FUN! And I appreciate you all hanging out with me thus far. It's been great!
Until next time.....
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A little less than 12 weeks to the arrival of Baby G.
"You are in the home stretch!" Well at least that is what thinks. is a website all about babies etc that sends weekly updates about the baby's development and what you should also be experiencing at that time. Last Wednesday when I received my 28-week update, the article said that I was in the "home stretch". WOW!
The mental snowball started rolling down hill when at my last doctor's visit, my OB said I had one more visit (September 23rd) before I went to every 2 weeks. Wohhhh I thought that didn't happen until further down the road. Umm check the calendar my dear. You are "further down the road"! LOL. Ok, so that thought came and went because that was the end of August - still plenty of time right?? But the snowball picked up a little more snow last Sunday.
Last Sunday, September 5th, I had 3 months left to the date as I'm due December 5th. I was good with saying I have 3 month to go. Comfortable, because that is plenty of time to still do what I need to do and get what I need to get. But after the Wednesday weekly update from and the whole "home stretch" comment, I've started to panic a little (insert more snow here). 3 months sounds good. 12 weeks sounds like around the corner. GASP! I've only 12 weeks left???? It's my own fault.. I reverted. I wasn't supposed to be counting in months anyway!! :-) I'm not even going to START to list the things that I still need to do. But I'll get them done.. I always do and you will be so proud that I have already started chipping away at that laundry list.
There is just so much to think about when having a child and most of which has yet to enter my mind. Last week I got a call from my insurance agent, encouraging us to UP Ezra's policy AND mine. Huh??? Ok ok, I get it, it's called proper planning. It's what adults do that have children and a family. NEWSFLASH Marcia - That's you now! OK OK.. not that I want to think about the worst happening, but I surely don't want to be caught in the rain without an umbrella. And I'm quite anal about keeping a spare umbrella in the car for actual rain, why wouldn't I do this? But what set me back was when our agent started to talk about Life Insurance for the child. DO we HAVE to discuss this??? Of course he wasn't trying to be morbid or a downer, but just trying to help us to be the responsible parents that he knows we will be. It was just a bit much at the time. I wanted to retreat back to age 7, find my dolls and play house with them. Let someone else think about the heavy stuff. LOL. Can I go back to picking baby colors and clothes??? Yeeesh.
Besides all of that, the pregnancy is still going well. Baby G is getting stronger daily and has been quite active the last few days. Right now, he wakes when I do (well at least it's not long after I wake up, that I feel him move around) but he is also quite active during the night when I'm sound asleep. I know this because one night I couldn't get comfy and couldn't sleep and guess who decided to keep me company?? That's right, my little man rumbled and tumbled most of the while I was up trying to figure out ways to get back to sleep.
But all in all, I still can't complain. Except for that one night, I am sleeping pretty good at night - some nights better than others. It all depends on my liquid intake and my visits to the restroom. We start child-birthing class at the end of this month (insert more snow). I'm determined to do my part in easing labor so I have been walking 5 miles a week among other exercises. Hopefully I can keep that up, right up until the day of and relatively soon after. The weather has been really nice for my morning walks and I try to get out early so I can get back in and start my day. Which reminds me that I probably need to wrap it up so I can catch a few zzzz before it's time to hit the pavement. With that, I bid thee goodnight.
Until next time...
"You are in the home stretch!" Well at least that is what thinks. is a website all about babies etc that sends weekly updates about the baby's development and what you should also be experiencing at that time. Last Wednesday when I received my 28-week update, the article said that I was in the "home stretch". WOW!
The mental snowball started rolling down hill when at my last doctor's visit, my OB said I had one more visit (September 23rd) before I went to every 2 weeks. Wohhhh I thought that didn't happen until further down the road. Umm check the calendar my dear. You are "further down the road"! LOL. Ok, so that thought came and went because that was the end of August - still plenty of time right?? But the snowball picked up a little more snow last Sunday.
Last Sunday, September 5th, I had 3 months left to the date as I'm due December 5th. I was good with saying I have 3 month to go. Comfortable, because that is plenty of time to still do what I need to do and get what I need to get. But after the Wednesday weekly update from and the whole "home stretch" comment, I've started to panic a little (insert more snow here). 3 months sounds good. 12 weeks sounds like around the corner. GASP! I've only 12 weeks left???? It's my own fault.. I reverted. I wasn't supposed to be counting in months anyway!! :-) I'm not even going to START to list the things that I still need to do. But I'll get them done.. I always do and you will be so proud that I have already started chipping away at that laundry list.
There is just so much to think about when having a child and most of which has yet to enter my mind. Last week I got a call from my insurance agent, encouraging us to UP Ezra's policy AND mine. Huh??? Ok ok, I get it, it's called proper planning. It's what adults do that have children and a family. NEWSFLASH Marcia - That's you now! OK OK.. not that I want to think about the worst happening, but I surely don't want to be caught in the rain without an umbrella. And I'm quite anal about keeping a spare umbrella in the car for actual rain, why wouldn't I do this? But what set me back was when our agent started to talk about Life Insurance for the child. DO we HAVE to discuss this??? Of course he wasn't trying to be morbid or a downer, but just trying to help us to be the responsible parents that he knows we will be. It was just a bit much at the time. I wanted to retreat back to age 7, find my dolls and play house with them. Let someone else think about the heavy stuff. LOL. Can I go back to picking baby colors and clothes??? Yeeesh.
Besides all of that, the pregnancy is still going well. Baby G is getting stronger daily and has been quite active the last few days. Right now, he wakes when I do (well at least it's not long after I wake up, that I feel him move around) but he is also quite active during the night when I'm sound asleep. I know this because one night I couldn't get comfy and couldn't sleep and guess who decided to keep me company?? That's right, my little man rumbled and tumbled most of the while I was up trying to figure out ways to get back to sleep.
But all in all, I still can't complain. Except for that one night, I am sleeping pretty good at night - some nights better than others. It all depends on my liquid intake and my visits to the restroom. We start child-birthing class at the end of this month (insert more snow). I'm determined to do my part in easing labor so I have been walking 5 miles a week among other exercises. Hopefully I can keep that up, right up until the day of and relatively soon after. The weather has been really nice for my morning walks and I try to get out early so I can get back in and start my day. Which reminds me that I probably need to wrap it up so I can catch a few zzzz before it's time to hit the pavement. With that, I bid thee goodnight.
Until next time...
Monday, August 30, 2010
A Second Look: Part II
"For you created BABY G's inmost being; you knit him together in MY womb. I praise you because BABY G is fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalms 139: 13-14 (liberties taken :-))
Hmph! I have read Psalms 139 many times and while it always blesses my soul, it came to life so clearly for me recently. "Fearfully and Wonderfully made" - these were the only words that I heard in my head day in and day out after seeing my son for the second time. They are the only words that I have been able to use to describe this overwhelming feeling of carrying another human being.
I saw his face. On last Tuesday, I went for a second ultrasound expecting it to be the routine black and white images. I was excited nonetheless because I would get to see him again and even though the images are black and white, it IS 3-D and I can actually see him moving as well. He yawned, blew air bubbles (or amniotic fluid bubbles LOL) and moved around alot as usual.
At first my US tech wasn't very chatty. I guess they like to concentrate on what they are doing and make sure they get it right. But it's just so darn quiet in there and you know me.. I like to talk. So I started to make small talk with her - babies, work, what she was looking at, etc. When near the end, she told me that she would do a 4-D ultrasound for me. 4-D??? I didn't expect that. I had seen 4-D on the internet and in books and thought it would be neat to experience it but figured I'd better stick with what they give me. But she flipped a switch (I guess) and there he was - in the literal flesh. At first I couldn't make him out. She was trying to point out the nose and the mouth and it all just looked like a bunch of flesh to me. She keep moving the machine and then there he was... a magnificent picture of his FACE - up close and personal. GASP!! Yes, I literally gasped and she laughed a bit. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I said - over and over again. He looks just like... well I won't tell you... I've got to keep you wondering about some things right??? :-)
But that sweet face was absolutely beautiful to me. It was as if seeing him in the way made him even more real than he already is. And then it came to me "Fearfully and wonderfully made". And so that is what I think of every time I see his face - which is posted up in my bedroom for me to look at often (she was kind enough to give me a printout).
From that moment on, emotions ran the gamut. I was humbled. The Lord had chosen me to carry this person that He loves so much already. Would I be a good mom? Am I ready (too late now.. LOL). Three more months and life as I know it today is a WRAP. :-) God.. what were you thinking???? Are you sure about this??? You might be laughing and I did too, after I came to my senses.
But even in the midst of these emotions, I heard the words ever so sweetly whispered "fearfully and wonderfully made" And I tell you friends, my thoughts turn in to words of Thanksgiving! Thanking the Lord for allowing me to experience ALL of this process. Thanking Him for knowing all about Baby G well before he made it to my womb because I will definitely need some help in figuring him out. :-) Thanking Him for giving me a glimpse of the "knitting" process. I could go on and on but I'd run out of space. :-) But you are welcome to continue. I know how it can be when you think about the Lord's goodness. So with that, I will end this post but not the praise - "Your works are wonderful... I know that full well"
Until next time
Hmph! I have read Psalms 139 many times and while it always blesses my soul, it came to life so clearly for me recently. "Fearfully and Wonderfully made" - these were the only words that I heard in my head day in and day out after seeing my son for the second time. They are the only words that I have been able to use to describe this overwhelming feeling of carrying another human being.
I saw his face. On last Tuesday, I went for a second ultrasound expecting it to be the routine black and white images. I was excited nonetheless because I would get to see him again and even though the images are black and white, it IS 3-D and I can actually see him moving as well. He yawned, blew air bubbles (or amniotic fluid bubbles LOL) and moved around alot as usual.
At first my US tech wasn't very chatty. I guess they like to concentrate on what they are doing and make sure they get it right. But it's just so darn quiet in there and you know me.. I like to talk. So I started to make small talk with her - babies, work, what she was looking at, etc. When near the end, she told me that she would do a 4-D ultrasound for me. 4-D??? I didn't expect that. I had seen 4-D on the internet and in books and thought it would be neat to experience it but figured I'd better stick with what they give me. But she flipped a switch (I guess) and there he was - in the literal flesh. At first I couldn't make him out. She was trying to point out the nose and the mouth and it all just looked like a bunch of flesh to me. She keep moving the machine and then there he was... a magnificent picture of his FACE - up close and personal. GASP!! Yes, I literally gasped and she laughed a bit. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I said - over and over again. He looks just like... well I won't tell you... I've got to keep you wondering about some things right??? :-)
But that sweet face was absolutely beautiful to me. It was as if seeing him in the way made him even more real than he already is. And then it came to me "Fearfully and wonderfully made". And so that is what I think of every time I see his face - which is posted up in my bedroom for me to look at often (she was kind enough to give me a printout).
From that moment on, emotions ran the gamut. I was humbled. The Lord had chosen me to carry this person that He loves so much already. Would I be a good mom? Am I ready (too late now.. LOL). Three more months and life as I know it today is a WRAP. :-) God.. what were you thinking???? Are you sure about this??? You might be laughing and I did too, after I came to my senses.
But even in the midst of these emotions, I heard the words ever so sweetly whispered "fearfully and wonderfully made" And I tell you friends, my thoughts turn in to words of Thanksgiving! Thanking the Lord for allowing me to experience ALL of this process. Thanking Him for knowing all about Baby G well before he made it to my womb because I will definitely need some help in figuring him out. :-) Thanking Him for giving me a glimpse of the "knitting" process. I could go on and on but I'd run out of space. :-) But you are welcome to continue. I know how it can be when you think about the Lord's goodness. So with that, I will end this post but not the praise - "Your works are wonderful... I know that full well"
Until next time
Sunday, August 22, 2010
A Second Look
Baby G makes an appearance for the second time
I made it! It's still Sunday right? :-) This will be short and sweet - not much has happened this week. Baby G is very active and we have enjoyed watching the show. Yes, you can actually see him moving from the outside now! A-MAZING! We have given him a personality already and we like to say what we think he is doing and thinking when he is moving around. It can be pretty funny! Baby G will surely be a happy baby because we DEFINITELY love to laugh around here. :-)
So this week I will get to see him again - if he would be still. :-) I go for another ultrasound on Tuesday morning. The last time he moved around a LOT, even standing on his head once (I've got it on dvd to prove it). But, I am looking forward to seeing him.
Besides the photo op, it should be a quiet week. I'll update you on his progression next Sunday. Until then, Baby G and I hope you all have a GREAT week!
Until next time....
I made it! It's still Sunday right? :-) This will be short and sweet - not much has happened this week. Baby G is very active and we have enjoyed watching the show. Yes, you can actually see him moving from the outside now! A-MAZING! We have given him a personality already and we like to say what we think he is doing and thinking when he is moving around. It can be pretty funny! Baby G will surely be a happy baby because we DEFINITELY love to laugh around here. :-)
So this week I will get to see him again - if he would be still. :-) I go for another ultrasound on Tuesday morning. The last time he moved around a LOT, even standing on his head once (I've got it on dvd to prove it). But, I am looking forward to seeing him.
Besides the photo op, it should be a quiet week. I'll update you on his progression next Sunday. Until then, Baby G and I hope you all have a GREAT week!
Until next time....
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's about TIME
Timing is everything for this expectant mom
Hey there! I know I know, I am off the schedule. Well I have a very valid reason as to why I am officially 2 Sundays late. Are you ready? Well as we used to say as kids in a good game of Hide and Seek "Ready or Not - Here it comes" :-).....
So what has been the hold up? I will tell you what.. Time. It hasn't bowed down to me lately and and we haven't been in agreement. It keeps going and I haven't been keeping up with it very well. These last couple of weeks have been busy. As you all know, I celebrated my birthday Friday before last. - August 6th. I had a great day and night. Thanks to all who sent B-day wishes my way! I went to a Drive-In movie for the first time ever (WAY COOL). The weather was quite cooperative with a nice breezy summer night. The movie itself was ok but the whole experience was great! It was a double feature but by the end of the first I was nearly falling asleep and we still had about 45 minute trip back home. But for those in Nashville, I highly recommend Stardust Drive-In in Watertown, TN.
Everything was going well the remainder of the weekend, until Saturday night. That's when Time and I started to become distant. We'd come home late from another evening out, only to find that the air conditioner in our residence had decided it had enough. The Nashville heat had knocked it out for the count. We managed to make it through the night but something had to be done on Sunday (whose weather wasn't too kind). After contacting out landlord, we spent most of the day copping free air from the mall only to find it even hotter in the house when we returned. Needless to say, we needed another place to stay because did I mention that I was pregnant and heat and pregnancy have NOTHING in common!! Thank GOD for family in the area which provided us a cool spot to lay our heads.
What we thought might be a small problem with the unit, turned in to a 4 day stint. We didn't return home until Wednesday, August 11th. Which (if you are keeping track) was our anniversary. For me, not being in my normal environment throws me off kilter a little bit. There was no schedule anymore, no rhyme or reason to anything, we were just making sure we stayed cool and had something to eat. I had to make several trips back and forth to the HOT house to get things that I needed and to let the people in to work on the unit. By the time, Wednesday evening rolled around - we were determined to do SOMETHING to celebrate. Although the air was fixed the house hadn't yet cooled. So we caught another movie.
Thursday - Saturday came and went with me trying to play catch up on what I didn't do the previous Sunday through Wednesday. Saturday, we stepped up our game a little and did a little in-town getaway for our anniversary. I am told you have to do these things before the baby comes because apparently some think that your relationship will cease to exist after that point. Not buying it though! LOL. But there you have it! Time slipped right through my fingers and the next thing I know it's Sunday again and after another event to attend there was no blogging. But I was determined to make it happen today!
All in All August has been a good month so far. Next week I get to see my little person again! He has been quite active these last few days (for which I am thankful). I am officially 24 weeks - which I believe is the start of 6 months (I think - wait a minute - YOU are supposed to be doing the math! :-)). Things are still going well and the days are coming quickly. Before we know it, it will be December and it will be time to welcome Baby G to the world. I'm so excited to see who he will look like - me or Ezra or a hodepodge of both. Hmmmmm... sounds like the makings of another wager to me :-)
Until next time....
Hey there! I know I know, I am off the schedule. Well I have a very valid reason as to why I am officially 2 Sundays late. Are you ready? Well as we used to say as kids in a good game of Hide and Seek "Ready or Not - Here it comes" :-).....
So what has been the hold up? I will tell you what.. Time. It hasn't bowed down to me lately and and we haven't been in agreement. It keeps going and I haven't been keeping up with it very well. These last couple of weeks have been busy. As you all know, I celebrated my birthday Friday before last. - August 6th. I had a great day and night. Thanks to all who sent B-day wishes my way! I went to a Drive-In movie for the first time ever (WAY COOL). The weather was quite cooperative with a nice breezy summer night. The movie itself was ok but the whole experience was great! It was a double feature but by the end of the first I was nearly falling asleep and we still had about 45 minute trip back home. But for those in Nashville, I highly recommend Stardust Drive-In in Watertown, TN.
Everything was going well the remainder of the weekend, until Saturday night. That's when Time and I started to become distant. We'd come home late from another evening out, only to find that the air conditioner in our residence had decided it had enough. The Nashville heat had knocked it out for the count. We managed to make it through the night but something had to be done on Sunday (whose weather wasn't too kind). After contacting out landlord, we spent most of the day copping free air from the mall only to find it even hotter in the house when we returned. Needless to say, we needed another place to stay because did I mention that I was pregnant and heat and pregnancy have NOTHING in common!! Thank GOD for family in the area which provided us a cool spot to lay our heads.
What we thought might be a small problem with the unit, turned in to a 4 day stint. We didn't return home until Wednesday, August 11th. Which (if you are keeping track) was our anniversary. For me, not being in my normal environment throws me off kilter a little bit. There was no schedule anymore, no rhyme or reason to anything, we were just making sure we stayed cool and had something to eat. I had to make several trips back and forth to the HOT house to get things that I needed and to let the people in to work on the unit. By the time, Wednesday evening rolled around - we were determined to do SOMETHING to celebrate. Although the air was fixed the house hadn't yet cooled. So we caught another movie.
Thursday - Saturday came and went with me trying to play catch up on what I didn't do the previous Sunday through Wednesday. Saturday, we stepped up our game a little and did a little in-town getaway for our anniversary. I am told you have to do these things before the baby comes because apparently some think that your relationship will cease to exist after that point. Not buying it though! LOL. But there you have it! Time slipped right through my fingers and the next thing I know it's Sunday again and after another event to attend there was no blogging. But I was determined to make it happen today!
All in All August has been a good month so far. Next week I get to see my little person again! He has been quite active these last few days (for which I am thankful). I am officially 24 weeks - which I believe is the start of 6 months (I think - wait a minute - YOU are supposed to be doing the math! :-)). Things are still going well and the days are coming quickly. Before we know it, it will be December and it will be time to welcome Baby G to the world. I'm so excited to see who he will look like - me or Ezra or a hodepodge of both. Hmmmmm... sounds like the makings of another wager to me :-)
Until next time....
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A Date To Remember
Upcoming milestones create exciting month for Expectant Mom
Since I just posted on Wednesday, this one will be short and sweet. Today is Sunday August 1st. I love it when a month starts on Sunday or Monday. For some reason, I feel like I can start over or begin something I need or want to do with a clean slate. But even more than that, August is my favorite month of the year!
This Friday, August 6th - I will turn 35! It's considered a semi-big birthday to some and just another day to others. But EVERY Birthday to me is GREAT! I love birthdays and really don't understand why some people don't like to celebrate them. I love my birthday and I love to celebrate others on their birthdays. I try to remember EVERYONE's birthday. I love to call them on their day and they have no clue how I remembered. I hope that makes them feel very special and that makes me happy! But back to MY day or my month should I say :-) August is not only my birth month but on August 11th I will celebrate my wedding anniversary as well. My mom's birthday is on the 13th. I have several friends who share August birthdays and anniversaries, so it's just a good month.
In addition to all those birthdays, I get to see my little bundle again. I go for another 3-D ultrasound on August 24th to get more pics of his nose and his face, just to insure that all is developing well. I am not worried about that. I am just excited to be able to see him again and he will be much bigger and stronger which will be so cool to see.
So as always, August is going to be an exciting month for me. Lots of things and people to celebrate and I am looking forward to it. I hope your month will be just as exciting and I know for some who follow this blog - it will be, with birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate as well!
Until next week.....
Since I just posted on Wednesday, this one will be short and sweet. Today is Sunday August 1st. I love it when a month starts on Sunday or Monday. For some reason, I feel like I can start over or begin something I need or want to do with a clean slate. But even more than that, August is my favorite month of the year!
This Friday, August 6th - I will turn 35! It's considered a semi-big birthday to some and just another day to others. But EVERY Birthday to me is GREAT! I love birthdays and really don't understand why some people don't like to celebrate them. I love my birthday and I love to celebrate others on their birthdays. I try to remember EVERYONE's birthday. I love to call them on their day and they have no clue how I remembered. I hope that makes them feel very special and that makes me happy! But back to MY day or my month should I say :-) August is not only my birth month but on August 11th I will celebrate my wedding anniversary as well. My mom's birthday is on the 13th. I have several friends who share August birthdays and anniversaries, so it's just a good month.
In addition to all those birthdays, I get to see my little bundle again. I go for another 3-D ultrasound on August 24th to get more pics of his nose and his face, just to insure that all is developing well. I am not worried about that. I am just excited to be able to see him again and he will be much bigger and stronger which will be so cool to see.
So as always, August is going to be an exciting month for me. Lots of things and people to celebrate and I am looking forward to it. I hope your month will be just as exciting and I know for some who follow this blog - it will be, with birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate as well!
Until next week.....
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Pregnancy has its privileges!
I'm late I know. :-) But where do I begin? In my last post, I revealed the gender of Baby G. In case you haven't kept track, I'll catch you up. We're having a boy! An already VERY active baby boy! If he is this active now, I can only imagine what he might be like when he gets of age to get into something :-) Thankfully I feel some sort of movement everyday. While it used to be just after I ate, on some days, he is busy ALL day long. What is he doing in there?? I wonder. And the stronger he gets it seems the more active he is - or maybe it is the fact that I am just able to feel him more. Who knows! :-).
At any rate, Baby G is doing well. We do have a name, though I am not quite ready to reveal it to the masses yet. I'll probably save it for a later post. If you ask me privately I'll tell you though. It's just some thing about putting it in print that I am not sure I am ready for just yet. But its coming. If you've talked to me personally since we found out the gender, then you probably already know the name. But I do plan to blog about it later on.
As for me, well I am definitely enjoying being pregnant. I told a friend on yesterday that if all pregnancies were all like this one (so far) I think I can handle it. :-) And being pregnant DEFINITELY has its privileges. I think after Baby G is born, I am going to get one of those pregnancy contraptions that the men can wear (so that they can identify.. yeah right) so that I can keep the perks coming! LOL. You might be laughing but if you've been pregnant, you know what I mean. Everyone wants to do EVERYTHING for you. What do you need? Here - I'll carry that. Would you like to go before me? Don't get up, I've got it. And it goes on and on and on and I LOVE IT - Who wouldn't??
I was traveling from IL back to Nashville a few weekends ago and the line for the ladies room at the gas station where we stopped was pretty long. Apparently there was some problem with another restroom that is usually operating. Well I had to "go", but it wasn't that bad. So I had moved up in the line until there was 1 before me to go and a stall had come available. "Would you like to go before me", the lady asked. "You look like you probably need to more than I do". At first I was taken aback thinking why would she think that?? And then I realized as I looked down at my arms folded over my little protruding belly. OHHH thats why! "Oh no thank you! I can wait. Thanks though!" I responded. Wow.. I thought - that was nice. When I got back in the car, I told my husband what happened and said "I could really get used to this!" LOL
But the one that I enjoyed the most recently was at Cracker Barrel on Sunday. I like CB alot and enjoy it as regularly as I can. :-) It's like home cooking without me doing it. But as we all know CB on a Sunday mid morning is CROWDED. And this was the SECOND one we went to (what can I say, I had a taste for Cracker Barrel). Ok so to set up the scene -it's about 11:00am and its HOT outside. So NO, I was not going to be rocking in nobody's rocking chair today. Apparently everyone had the same idea because the waiting area was packed. Which is not hard to do considering CB has filled every piece of empty space where a person doesn't stand with knicknacks and miscellaneous items to lure you in. But I digress. Anyway, the wait was only supposed to be 15 - 20 minutes so I figured we could wait and I could stand... in my low heels... so I thought. I was doing well, keeping myself preoccupied with people watching and strolls down memory lane (we were standing next to the 'old school' candy and soda stand), when I realized that 15 min had come and LONG gone and we were still waiting. I had just told Ezra that I was about to create a seat on the soda box that was beneath me (I had already checked for it's sturdiness - LOL). Then the Customer service manager came up to me and said "Would you like a seat?" "Well Yes ma'am! If you don't mind, I sure would" I responded. "That is no problem at all", she said. So she goes into the dining area and grabs a seat and brings it back to me, as everyone looks to see where the chair is going. "Thank you SOO much!!", I said. "Oh no problem at all. Would you like a biscuit also, maybe some water?? I know how it can be." A biscuit??? Some water??? Ooooo Lady, you are making this too good for me. But I declined. The seat was great and I would be eating soon enough. :-) So now I am sitting (thankfully) and Ezra had gone to check on the wait again. While he was gone, an elderly man came by and chatted me up about how crowed it was. We laughed a bit and he was off (he had already eaten). But then another older lady came by (I was starting to get nervous that these elderly people would be jocking for my seat - HAHA. I would have given it up. My mother taught me well). The lady though leaned down and whispered something to the effect of "It's nice being pregnant now, isn't it" I laughed heartily and said "yes it is!" Yes, it is.
Yes - Pregnancy has its privileges and great for me, I still have about 4 more months to enjoy these perks!! :-)
Until next time.....
At any rate, Baby G is doing well. We do have a name, though I am not quite ready to reveal it to the masses yet. I'll probably save it for a later post. If you ask me privately I'll tell you though. It's just some thing about putting it in print that I am not sure I am ready for just yet. But its coming. If you've talked to me personally since we found out the gender, then you probably already know the name. But I do plan to blog about it later on.
As for me, well I am definitely enjoying being pregnant. I told a friend on yesterday that if all pregnancies were all like this one (so far) I think I can handle it. :-) And being pregnant DEFINITELY has its privileges. I think after Baby G is born, I am going to get one of those pregnancy contraptions that the men can wear (so that they can identify.. yeah right) so that I can keep the perks coming! LOL. You might be laughing but if you've been pregnant, you know what I mean. Everyone wants to do EVERYTHING for you. What do you need? Here - I'll carry that. Would you like to go before me? Don't get up, I've got it. And it goes on and on and on and I LOVE IT - Who wouldn't??
I was traveling from IL back to Nashville a few weekends ago and the line for the ladies room at the gas station where we stopped was pretty long. Apparently there was some problem with another restroom that is usually operating. Well I had to "go", but it wasn't that bad. So I had moved up in the line until there was 1 before me to go and a stall had come available. "Would you like to go before me", the lady asked. "You look like you probably need to more than I do". At first I was taken aback thinking why would she think that?? And then I realized as I looked down at my arms folded over my little protruding belly. OHHH thats why! "Oh no thank you! I can wait. Thanks though!" I responded. Wow.. I thought - that was nice. When I got back in the car, I told my husband what happened and said "I could really get used to this!" LOL
But the one that I enjoyed the most recently was at Cracker Barrel on Sunday. I like CB alot and enjoy it as regularly as I can. :-) It's like home cooking without me doing it. But as we all know CB on a Sunday mid morning is CROWDED. And this was the SECOND one we went to (what can I say, I had a taste for Cracker Barrel). Ok so to set up the scene -it's about 11:00am and its HOT outside. So NO, I was not going to be rocking in nobody's rocking chair today. Apparently everyone had the same idea because the waiting area was packed. Which is not hard to do considering CB has filled every piece of empty space where a person doesn't stand with knicknacks and miscellaneous items to lure you in. But I digress. Anyway, the wait was only supposed to be 15 - 20 minutes so I figured we could wait and I could stand... in my low heels... so I thought. I was doing well, keeping myself preoccupied with people watching and strolls down memory lane (we were standing next to the 'old school' candy and soda stand), when I realized that 15 min had come and LONG gone and we were still waiting. I had just told Ezra that I was about to create a seat on the soda box that was beneath me (I had already checked for it's sturdiness - LOL). Then the Customer service manager came up to me and said "Would you like a seat?" "Well Yes ma'am! If you don't mind, I sure would" I responded. "That is no problem at all", she said. So she goes into the dining area and grabs a seat and brings it back to me, as everyone looks to see where the chair is going. "Thank you SOO much!!", I said. "Oh no problem at all. Would you like a biscuit also, maybe some water?? I know how it can be." A biscuit??? Some water??? Ooooo Lady, you are making this too good for me. But I declined. The seat was great and I would be eating soon enough. :-) So now I am sitting (thankfully) and Ezra had gone to check on the wait again. While he was gone, an elderly man came by and chatted me up about how crowed it was. We laughed a bit and he was off (he had already eaten). But then another older lady came by (I was starting to get nervous that these elderly people would be jocking for my seat - HAHA. I would have given it up. My mother taught me well). The lady though leaned down and whispered something to the effect of "It's nice being pregnant now, isn't it" I laughed heartily and said "yes it is!" Yes, it is.
Yes - Pregnancy has its privileges and great for me, I still have about 4 more months to enjoy these perks!! :-)
Until next time.....
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Last Airbender
As promised, this is a special edition of the Baby G Chronicles! :-) If you have been following the posts, you already know Baby G's gender from the title! Yes, my friends, I lost the bet and we are having a BOY! :-)
I had originally written this up at about 11:00am - right after my appointment. But my computer died on me and I lost everything. So instead of the lengthy response I had before, you'll get the quick and dirty version.
Yes Baby Boy G is ALL Boy! We saw proof :-) He moved around SO much that the Ultrasound Tech said "he thinks he must have somewhere to go". Every since I felt recognized his movement, I told Ezra that he was a "mover". Well today he was everywhere, flipping and all. She even showed us once where he was "standing" on this head. A busy body already!! He will definitely keep us young - chasing after him! :-)
But now that that part is over - I am relieved. I will have to use another post to tell you how I kinda knew deep down inside that it was a boy - just from some things that happened to me over the past few years, but I was still hoping for a girl. I am VERY happy though. Everything looked good and that was really all I needed to hear.
Until then, on to the next phase - SHOPPING!! Oh and I guess I need to check the local movie listings to find out the next showing of the Last Airbender. I am not a sore loser. I pay my dues.. Plus I get to eat movie popcorn which I love. So I guess this is a win-win for everyone. 1 Big Man, 2 Little men and me. Is this the "prequel" to my life's movie??? LOL
I had originally written this up at about 11:00am - right after my appointment. But my computer died on me and I lost everything. So instead of the lengthy response I had before, you'll get the quick and dirty version.
Yes Baby Boy G is ALL Boy! We saw proof :-) He moved around SO much that the Ultrasound Tech said "he thinks he must have somewhere to go". Every since I felt recognized his movement, I told Ezra that he was a "mover". Well today he was everywhere, flipping and all. She even showed us once where he was "standing" on this head. A busy body already!! He will definitely keep us young - chasing after him! :-)
But now that that part is over - I am relieved. I will have to use another post to tell you how I kinda knew deep down inside that it was a boy - just from some things that happened to me over the past few years, but I was still hoping for a girl. I am VERY happy though. Everything looked good and that was really all I needed to hear.
Until then, on to the next phase - SHOPPING!! Oh and I guess I need to check the local movie listings to find out the next showing of the Last Airbender. I am not a sore loser. I pay my dues.. Plus I get to eat movie popcorn which I love. So I guess this is a win-win for everyone. 1 Big Man, 2 Little men and me. Is this the "prequel" to my life's movie??? LOL
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Movement in the strangest places
The day was Thursday, July 8th and the time is around 12:00 noon. The day was a preparation day. I had just come back from Augusta on Monday and spent the next two days working through a laundry list of activities to complete before we headed out of town again on Friday. I was mostly done with my list. Thursday was going to be relatively light which I was happy about. I just needed to do a few more things - one of which was to get my hair cut for the trip. I like to keep it shaped up and looking nice - especially for a business trip. I had an appointment for 11:30am.
I was running a little late but I got there around 11:40am. No worries, because I knew I would have to wait a bit anyway. There was someone in the chair before me and another guy waiting. The guy waiting was holding the CUTEST little baby girl! She was a little "chunky" baby with a head FULL of curly black hair. She actually belonged to the guy who was already in the chair. She was a sweet as she can be. She didn't notice me until he was getting ready to go and was putting her back in the car seat. She had to be about 5 months old I guess. Her car seat was close to me and that is when she noticed me. She put on the sweetest smile. I thought "surely, I'm having a girl - after all this HAS to be a sign right???" LOL. The father noticed that I too was expecting an asked me when I was due and I told him. Even once he put the baby in the seat, she would look back up at me. See, she's staring at me - that's proof... LOL Anyway, her name was London - which I thought was very pretty and seemed to fit her. They packed up and were off.
I waited a little longer until my turn and when it was time, I was called to the barber chair. I took my sat and settled myself as my barber finished up his conversation with the last client. He had turned on some music and I sitting waiting patiently when I felt IT. THUMP! WOHHHHHH What was that??? Was that what I think it was??? BUMP! BUMP! EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK That IS what I think it is!!!! I finally feel it moving AND I AM IN THE BARBERSHOP!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? LOLOLOL.
I always thought when that magical moment happened, I would be at home or in my car, or just somewhere else actually. Never did I think, it would be the barbershop of all places. But I didn't let on that anything happened. I just sat there with a goofy smile on my face thinking - "I'm finally feeling my baby move.. HOW SUPER COOL!!!! :-)
So how did it feel to me??? . Butterflies - NO (Who has ever had actual butterflies in their stomach????) Popcorn popping - NO (I read this on and thought unless you are a bag of popcorn, how would you know how that felt????) No, it felt like it was supposed to feel - like there is something MOVING inside of you. I knew exactly what it was when I felt it and have loved feeling it every since!
It was SOOO very exciting though! A day I will never forget for various reasons - (location being one of them :-)) And I love feeling it every day which seems to be when I am sitting still, right after I eat AND when music is playing. I noticed that over the weekend. We don't play much music in the house and I mostly listen to Talk radio when I am in the car - so maybe it may have happened long ago - if I were playing the right tunes.. LOL. But from Thursday through the weekend- there seemed to have been a pattern that many times music was playing - he or she was getting their "groove on"in there. I don't know - maybe I am carrying the next great music star!!
Speaking of He or She - Don't forget Thursday, July 15th is the day we find out!! I might cheat a little and do the blog that day or maybe I will make you wait until Sunday :-). Ezra and I have a friendly wager going. If it's a girl ( my thought), he has to go see Toy Story 3. I figure its only preparing him for things to come. :-). If it's a boy (his thought), I have to go see The Last Airbender with him and my nephews. I guess this one is preparing ME. LOL
Until Thursday!
I was running a little late but I got there around 11:40am. No worries, because I knew I would have to wait a bit anyway. There was someone in the chair before me and another guy waiting. The guy waiting was holding the CUTEST little baby girl! She was a little "chunky" baby with a head FULL of curly black hair. She actually belonged to the guy who was already in the chair. She was a sweet as she can be. She didn't notice me until he was getting ready to go and was putting her back in the car seat. She had to be about 5 months old I guess. Her car seat was close to me and that is when she noticed me. She put on the sweetest smile. I thought "surely, I'm having a girl - after all this HAS to be a sign right???" LOL. The father noticed that I too was expecting an asked me when I was due and I told him. Even once he put the baby in the seat, she would look back up at me. See, she's staring at me - that's proof... LOL Anyway, her name was London - which I thought was very pretty and seemed to fit her. They packed up and were off.
I waited a little longer until my turn and when it was time, I was called to the barber chair. I took my sat and settled myself as my barber finished up his conversation with the last client. He had turned on some music and I sitting waiting patiently when I felt IT. THUMP! WOHHHHHH What was that??? Was that what I think it was??? BUMP! BUMP! EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK That IS what I think it is!!!! I finally feel it moving AND I AM IN THE BARBERSHOP!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? LOLOLOL.
I always thought when that magical moment happened, I would be at home or in my car, or just somewhere else actually. Never did I think, it would be the barbershop of all places. But I didn't let on that anything happened. I just sat there with a goofy smile on my face thinking - "I'm finally feeling my baby move.. HOW SUPER COOL!!!! :-)
So how did it feel to me??? . Butterflies - NO (Who has ever had actual butterflies in their stomach????) Popcorn popping - NO (I read this on and thought unless you are a bag of popcorn, how would you know how that felt????) No, it felt like it was supposed to feel - like there is something MOVING inside of you. I knew exactly what it was when I felt it and have loved feeling it every since!
It was SOOO very exciting though! A day I will never forget for various reasons - (location being one of them :-)) And I love feeling it every day which seems to be when I am sitting still, right after I eat AND when music is playing. I noticed that over the weekend. We don't play much music in the house and I mostly listen to Talk radio when I am in the car - so maybe it may have happened long ago - if I were playing the right tunes.. LOL. But from Thursday through the weekend- there seemed to have been a pattern that many times music was playing - he or she was getting their "groove on"in there. I don't know - maybe I am carrying the next great music star!!
Speaking of He or She - Don't forget Thursday, July 15th is the day we find out!! I might cheat a little and do the blog that day or maybe I will make you wait until Sunday :-). Ezra and I have a friendly wager going. If it's a girl ( my thought), he has to go see Toy Story 3. I figure its only preparing him for things to come. :-). If it's a boy (his thought), I have to go see The Last Airbender with him and my nephews. I guess this one is preparing ME. LOL
Until Thursday!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
There is no place like HOME
A trip to the old stomping grounds proves you can go home again
Whoever said "You can always go home" was absolutely right! At least for me they were right. I'm a little late on my post because I was actually out of town on Sunday. I ventured down to Augusta, GA - my hometown - for the July 4th holiday. It was good to be home. I slept in my old bed (well not completely but it is in my old room and in the same spot as my old bed - you get the idea :-)). All was going well until it was clear that I wasn't 10 anymore and Baby G would require a little more space for tossing and turning. I ate some GOOD food - grits, eggs and sausage and toast for breakfast one day, a shrimp omelet on another. BBQ ribs, BBQ Chicken, squash puffs, shrimp and wild rice, cold slaw, collard greens, baked beans and a homemade peach cobbler (read it and weep :-)) to top it all off. Yes, Yes, Yes, it was SO good to be home.
ot only did I eat well, I spent some nice QT with the folks. My folks are tickled pink that I am having a baby. Mom just kept giggling. Dad snapped a picture with his phone as soon as I walked in. Baby Girl is having her own baby. I think they are probably as shocked as I still am LOL. But it is all good. :-)
While there I started to reminisce of my own childhood. The games we played in the yard, the friends I had growing up. Everything seems so much smaller now - but I know that is only because I am bigger! We rode by my grandmother's house (Dad's mom), which had been torn down completely. It is just brush and weeds there now but ohhhh what memories we had from that house. It was sad to see that it was just an empty lot. I will just point to where it used to be for my children, but I can definitely fill them with great stories about our time at Grandma's house. It was really the only way to get me out of bed on Saturday morning - literally. We also went to my other grandmother's house (mom's mom) which we are trying to rent out. Many great memories still came flooding back again. Yep! It was good to be home.
Thanks to Mom and Dad, I have my first two baby items. Never did it become so apparent that I am really having a child than
when packing up the playpen and the "cadillac" (3-wheel walking stroller) as my parents call it. This time I wasn't taking this to my house to hold it for my sister (who has the kids in the family) or to give it to one of my friends. No, this playpen and cadillac were going to my house and staying... SAY WHAT?????? LOL Yes, they were staying. Now THAT started to make it real for me! Ezra took it out of the car on Tuesday morning and put it in the office for now. Tux (my pooch) went immediately to it to sniff it out. Yes Tuxy, it's staying and so is this person growing in my tummy. But how he will adjust is for a later post.
Yes, Home is definitely where the heart is - Home in Augusta and Home in Nashville. It was good to go home and it was good to come back. November will be here soon enough, when Mom and Dad will come to stay for a spell to prepare for Baby G's arrival.
Until then, as it all settles in that I will soon be a mother myself, I'll let the time with my parents linger with me, creating exciting thoughts of my child who will create their own fond memories with my parents. I only pray that I will instill in them the values that my parents instilled in me - one of which is the fact that yes, you can always go home!
Whoever said "You can always go home" was absolutely right! At least for me they were right. I'm a little late on my post because I was actually out of town on Sunday. I ventured down to Augusta, GA - my hometown - for the July 4th holiday. It was good to be home. I slept in my old bed (well not completely but it is in my old room and in the same spot as my old bed - you get the idea :-)). All was going well until it was clear that I wasn't 10 anymore and Baby G would require a little more space for tossing and turning. I ate some GOOD food - grits, eggs and sausage and toast for breakfast one day, a shrimp omelet on another. BBQ ribs, BBQ Chicken, squash puffs, shrimp and wild rice, cold slaw, collard greens, baked beans and a homemade peach cobbler (read it and weep :-)) to top it all off. Yes, Yes, Yes, it was SO good to be home.

While there I started to reminisce of my own childhood. The games we played in the yard, the friends I had growing up. Everything seems so much smaller now - but I know that is only because I am bigger! We rode by my grandmother's house (Dad's mom), which had been torn down completely. It is just brush and weeds there now but ohhhh what memories we had from that house. It was sad to see that it was just an empty lot. I will just point to where it used to be for my children, but I can definitely fill them with great stories about our time at Grandma's house. It was really the only way to get me out of bed on Saturday morning - literally. We also went to my other grandmother's house (mom's mom) which we are trying to rent out. Many great memories still came flooding back again. Yep! It was good to be home.

Yes, Home is definitely where the heart is - Home in Augusta and Home in Nashville. It was good to go home and it was good to come back. November will be here soon enough, when Mom and Dad will come to stay for a spell to prepare for Baby G's arrival.
Until then, as it all settles in that I will soon be a mother myself, I'll let the time with my parents linger with me, creating exciting thoughts of my child who will create their own fond memories with my parents. I only pray that I will instill in them the values that my parents instilled in me - one of which is the fact that yes, you can always go home!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A new study to reveal Baby G's gender
Tests will confirm 'boy' or 'girl'
Hello Hello Hello! It's been a good week! I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday. I heard the heart beat again - which I might add is quite surreal. It was a STRONG heartbeat that I was happy to hear. I tell you, the time between those monthly visits can really wreak havoc on your mind, especially until you start to feel the baby move (which I have not yet). But I am managing to get through it :-)
The doctor said all was looking good so far and we set an actual date for the 3D ultrasound and to find out the Baby G's gender. July 15th is the Big Day so be on the lookout for the post that will come after that. You still have time to place your vote on the ballot box to the right of the post. So far Girl is winning. I knew I liked you all for a reason - as they say "GREAT MINDS think alike"! :-)
Well this will be a short post. Not much happened last week.. it was pretty quiet for me and Baby G. But I am sure things will "kick in" (pun intended) over the next couple of weeks. Until then... we're off to get some sleep!
Hello Hello Hello! It's been a good week! I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday. I heard the heart beat again - which I might add is quite surreal. It was a STRONG heartbeat that I was happy to hear. I tell you, the time between those monthly visits can really wreak havoc on your mind, especially until you start to feel the baby move (which I have not yet). But I am managing to get through it :-)
The doctor said all was looking good so far and we set an actual date for the 3D ultrasound and to find out the Baby G's gender. July 15th is the Big Day so be on the lookout for the post that will come after that. You still have time to place your vote on the ballot box to the right of the post. So far Girl is winning. I knew I liked you all for a reason - as they say "GREAT MINDS think alike"! :-)
Well this will be a short post. Not much happened last week.. it was pretty quiet for me and Baby G. But I am sure things will "kick in" (pun intended) over the next couple of weeks. Until then... we're off to get some sleep!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I'm back! Albeit a little late but I'm here! I quickly realized that Wednesday posts are probably not going to work for me. Well at least this past Wednesday surely didn't. I sat at my computer for almost 10 hours straight (with breaks here and there) reconciling the books for our business where 2 transactions were off. If you know anything about me, you know I wasn't going to rest until I found them - which I did! Needless to say, by the time I was done, the next thing I wanted to see was the darkness from under my closed eyelids! And so after I was all caught up there, the next couple of days were spent catching up on all that was neglected on Wednesday. Yes, I would say Sunday afternoon is probably the best bet for me.
Last Wednesday, I turned 16 weeks. Prior to that, I spent much of my time, fighting the outbreaks on my face that seems to be magnified with pregnancy. Pimples everywhere and to top it off, I had a canker sore - or fever blister as we used to call them back in the day. YUCK! I felt so terribly unattractive and spent much of my time trying to find home remedies to get it gone like yesterday. I was familiar with some medications but as a first time pregnant lady, I am cautious about everything... Was I supposed to eat that, drink that, ooh no... Is my baby ok I ate that apple TWICE today! LOL Ok the apple was an exaggeration but you get what I mean. So I asked the pharmacist at the nearby Walgreens what I could take/use - because you know, I'm pregnant. (HAHA) So she tells me Abreva is good and it's topical so it won't harm your baby. GREAT! Where can I find that? Last aisle up against the wall. SUPER! Thanks. So I stroll over to get the Abreva and go on my merry way to fast healing of this "beauty blemish". Hmmmmmm Abreva.... Found it.. Great.. wait a minute ...TWENTY BUCKS???????? Are you insane??? Where is the CARMEX??? It's topical.. doesn't that have medication in it somewhere? So I quickly put the Abreva BACK on the shelf and start perusing the knock offs! Hmph- I have used Camphophenique years ago... Yeah... Let's go with that AND a thing of Carmex for good measure!
Other than that, I am still doing well. I did throw up maybe twice the last week or so. That darn sinus drainage has reared its ugly head again. I still haven't felt the baby yet, though I do keep looking out for it. It may be moving and I am just totally oblivious (which seems to be what my mom thinks) but I truly am waiting, sitting still, lying still, all the still I can be, I have been.. so far not so much.. You'll be the first to know when I feel it. Well maybe somewhere in the 1st line up.
For those of you who aren't in Nashville, it is HOT here.. Not even the first day of Summer yet and we are already hitting the late 90s. I'm told it is supposed to be 100 tomorrow. While the heat doesn't completely turn me off like some people (since I grew up in GA, this is Spring compared to there), I have never been hot and pregnant. THIS is going to be different. I had come to terms with how I would manage everything until it came to my hair. What will I do with this all summer and on top of that, when the baby comes?? The in between stage was not my friend and braids were not in my budget. Putting heat on it to curl it and keep it straight sounded HOT and trying to twist it every night sounded tiring. I was almost at a lost and getting desperate but old faithful stays in my back pocket. Yes everyone... It's gone! Bye Bye, See ya later, chop chop!! The Friday before last I had my barber of 11 years come to my house and cut my hair off (Thanks Mike). Yes I said 11 years. The first time I went "natural" He cut my hair and has been cutting it ever since. "Don't ever cheat on your barber" Ezra says. I learned that lesson the hard way one Valentines day - but that is for a different blog. But yes, its gone and I'm free and LOVE it (as I always do when I cut it). So I'll leave you with a few photos of my hair and the beginnings of Baby G poking through :-) See ya next week - Probably on Sunday to be safe.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Expectant mother blogs about her experience
Welcome to the Baby G Chronicles! I created this blog in an effort to "chronicle" my journey to becoming a mother for the first time that I can share with family and friends, including some pics along the way.
I named the blog The Baby G Chronicles for many reasons. 1) The Chronicles of Baby G was already taken. 2) I like the word "chronicles" - it sounds big time and not too many people use it. 3) it brings back memories of my hometown newspaper - named the Augusta Chronicles. I like the whole newspaper feel of it all which is why my post names will look more like headlines that regular titles. Neat huh?? 4) It explains precisely what I will do here - chronicle my life and the life of Baby G.
And so it will go.. I will try to blog once a week on the day I turn the next week in pregnancy weeks. If that makes any sense at all. My tracking date is Wednesday for all intents and purposes. So today, I am 15 weeks pregnant. Next Wednesday, 16weeks. So I will try to "chronicle" on Wednesday or shortly there after. But for now... let's get started.
Week 15 - I will keep this brief because its late - its the first one and I'm sleepy.. LOL But as I stated, I am officially 15 weeks pregnant. A little shy of 4 months I suppose. Which reminds me.. NEWSFLASH (no pun intended.. or maybe it was) WEEKS is the new way of counting how far along you are. Every time someone asks me "how far along are you?" And I say "oh I am so and so weeks" I get a response "tell me in months I hate when people do weeks" Well I hate to break it to you, but that is how the doctors do it these days so that is what you will be getting from me! It's roughly 4 weeks in a month - you do your own calculations. I am saving my brainpower for something more useful -it's a precious commodity these days you know?
So, I feel great! I didn't throw up too much. I had little to no morning sickness, just a nasty sinus drip that would cause me to gag and then throw up (was that TMI? - sorry). But other than that, I was/am good. I was winded sooner than expected.. I thought I had to be WAAAY bigger for that to happen but my OB says some ladies experience it early in the pregnancy. I guess that "some" would include me this time. And so far I can't even stand the THOUGHT of chinese food. Just thinking of it makes me want to hurl. But besides that, so far I am eating regular foods. I could do a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit daily for some reason but I limit myself.
I would venture to say that my pregnancy (PRAISE THE LORD) has gone quite well so far. I really haven't even snapped on anyone (well that one time in Walmart - but not since then). But you could ask my husband and sis and those who are around me most and I think they would agree with me. So maybe the snapping comes a little later in the pregnancy. Who knows.. this is all greek mixed with swahili to me.
I haven't felt the baby move yet though I get mixed info on that. Some say I should feel it already (just the butterflies) some say it's still too early. Though I bought in to the "I should feel it now" and could have SWORN I felt something earlier today. Maybe that was my food digesting. I should probably wait a few weeks huh?
Well that's it for now. The next few weeks will be exciting. Week 18 is the big 3D ultrasound. We are scheduled to find out the sex then too. I am SURE and would love a girl but Ezra is SURE it is a boy. We will see.. Care to place your wager??
I named the blog The Baby G Chronicles for many reasons. 1) The Chronicles of Baby G was already taken. 2) I like the word "chronicles" - it sounds big time and not too many people use it. 3) it brings back memories of my hometown newspaper - named the Augusta Chronicles. I like the whole newspaper feel of it all which is why my post names will look more like headlines that regular titles. Neat huh?? 4) It explains precisely what I will do here - chronicle my life and the life of Baby G.
And so it will go.. I will try to blog once a week on the day I turn the next week in pregnancy weeks. If that makes any sense at all. My tracking date is Wednesday for all intents and purposes. So today, I am 15 weeks pregnant. Next Wednesday, 16weeks. So I will try to "chronicle" on Wednesday or shortly there after. But for now... let's get started.
Week 15 - I will keep this brief because its late - its the first one and I'm sleepy.. LOL But as I stated, I am officially 15 weeks pregnant. A little shy of 4 months I suppose. Which reminds me.. NEWSFLASH (no pun intended.. or maybe it was) WEEKS is the new way of counting how far along you are. Every time someone asks me "how far along are you?" And I say "oh I am so and so weeks" I get a response "tell me in months I hate when people do weeks" Well I hate to break it to you, but that is how the doctors do it these days so that is what you will be getting from me! It's roughly 4 weeks in a month - you do your own calculations. I am saving my brainpower for something more useful -it's a precious commodity these days you know?
So, I feel great! I didn't throw up too much. I had little to no morning sickness, just a nasty sinus drip that would cause me to gag and then throw up (was that TMI? - sorry). But other than that, I was/am good. I was winded sooner than expected.. I thought I had to be WAAAY bigger for that to happen but my OB says some ladies experience it early in the pregnancy. I guess that "some" would include me this time. And so far I can't even stand the THOUGHT of chinese food. Just thinking of it makes me want to hurl. But besides that, so far I am eating regular foods. I could do a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit daily for some reason but I limit myself.
I would venture to say that my pregnancy (PRAISE THE LORD) has gone quite well so far. I really haven't even snapped on anyone (well that one time in Walmart - but not since then). But you could ask my husband and sis and those who are around me most and I think they would agree with me. So maybe the snapping comes a little later in the pregnancy. Who knows.. this is all greek mixed with swahili to me.
I haven't felt the baby move yet though I get mixed info on that. Some say I should feel it already (just the butterflies) some say it's still too early. Though I bought in to the "I should feel it now" and could have SWORN I felt something earlier today. Maybe that was my food digesting. I should probably wait a few weeks huh?
Well that's it for now. The next few weeks will be exciting. Week 18 is the big 3D ultrasound. We are scheduled to find out the sex then too. I am SURE and would love a girl but Ezra is SURE it is a boy. We will see.. Care to place your wager??
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