May 5th, 2011 @ about 8:45am
Hello Friends!!
I've missed you all! Though many of you I have chatted with up to this point, I must say I have missed communicating this way to everyone. Have you missed me??? LOL Oh I know, I have taken my back seat. You miss ETHAN! Well here's a current pic (taken today)
It has been exactly 3 months to the date since my last post and my "lil shuga booga" is 5 months old today. I thought it quite interesting that he is 5 months old on the 5th day of the 5th month of the year. So I figured I'd title this blog FIVE. And since I have been gone for so long and there is so much I could say, this was a great way to for me to narrow my thoughts down to 5 impactful, fun and insightful things I have learned so far - in no particular order. Not that I have only learned 5 things, but that is probably all you can read in one sitting - and probably all I have time to write. :-)
1) There is a such thing is a Baby Hog:
.... and his name is Ezra! :-) It's a running joke we have in our house - Ezra is an Ethan hog!! :-) I really can't move fast enough. I've awakened in the middle of the night to see that Ezra has already gotten up and is half way done with changing him. Sundays should really be my day of rest because it's the Daddy and Ethan all day long. If Ethan falls asleep with Dad, he's held for the duration of his nap (Mom puts him in the crib and does about 50 other things while he is asleep. LOL).
While all of these things are very true and maybe comical - they are very lovely to me. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband who is with me every step of the way.
May 6th, 2011 @ about 8:45a,... The load has been lightened tremendously with Ezra's help and I am so grateful for that.
2) The dishes will still be there tomorrow... and the next day...
I don't really like washing dishes. Every chance I get, I am loading my dishwasher. But then I don't really like to UNLOAD the dishwasher LOL. It used to be that I would put on some music or a motivational CD and go to town on the kitchen and the rest of the house - with nothing but time on my hands. But while I don't like the dishes and admittedly did not do them everyday in the past, for some reason, not being about to get to them now, bothers me. It's like now more than ever, I want the kitchen to be spotless all the time. Which I know is totally obsessive! I don't like seeing dishes pile up because I know I don't have as much time as I used to, to get to them. I am afraid they will be TOTALLY out of control. And subconsciously I think it signifies to me that I have lost control of something (not sure what though). But I am learning that it's really ok. I manage to get to them, or Ezra will clean them. The world won't come to an end and I am not a bad wife, mother and housekeeper because I haven't done the dishes yet. It's still a work in progress but I'm getting there.
3) I have a child... and he looks like me!
I keep wondering if it will be discovered that God let one slip out and it landed with us! LOLOL. But seriously, I sit in awe everyday of the fact that we have a son. And say what you want, but he looks like me! Come on give it up.. He has my eyes and the eyes make up the face right?? LOL. Well yes, he has my eyes, but Ezra's distinct eyebrows which can confuse people. I know, I know, that got you too, right? Well let me help you - Ethan is MY mini-me... LOL All jokes aside, he really is a beautiful mixture of both of us - which is precisely why on any given day we can hear that he looks like either one or the other. True story - I was at my church one day and two women were looking at Ethan and both said at the exact same time - "He looks just like ..." One named me and the other named Ezra. And then they both looked at each other in disbelief. It was funny. But looks aside, this journey so far has been a whirlwind and an adjustment. But as every mom has said in the past and I am happy to cosign - it is SOOOOOOOOOO worth it!
4) Baby Gas is lethal
Gunshot wound my foot, Osama was probaby killed by baby gas! LOL. I had heard that once the baby starts solids, the smell from the "dirty" diapers is pretty bad. WHEW!!!! I literally almost fell over at the smell once. Ethan released a toxic, toxic fume while he was "uncovered" and WOH!!!!!! I could hardly catch my breath. I stumbled around coughing and looking dumbfounded as Ethan watched innocently with an expression that said "Mom... really???" I don't know when babies start to smell but if he could smell it, he would have fumbled around too. I had smelled it before since he has been on solids and it is BAD when he is fully clothed. But at it's purest form - it's lethal! I think the government could use it for interrogations. I know I would talk.. quickly!!
5) A Baby's smile is God's way of saying.. "It's ok"
It's 4:00am and you have just gotten BACK to sleep good and then you hear it ...."waaaaaahhhhhhh" So here I am stumbling out of bed over to the bassinet to console my little prince. I'm barely awake and SO tired being that it's the second time up tonight. I'm a little cranky too because sleep is eluding me. The light is dim and I am trying to be quiet so as not to give him the idea that it's time to get up and be active. I am going through the motions of changing the diaper - concentrating on being quick. And then it happens - I look down at his sweet little face and he flashes the BIGGEST grin. :-) At that time, I forget that I'm sleepy or that the clothes need to be washed, dishes cleaned, calls to be made, etc, etc. No - at that moment, nothing matters but taking care of him. The stuff I'm worried about will all be there tomorrow and guess what? It's really all OK! :-)
Until next time.... (which will be sooner hopefully :-))