Sunday, September 12, 2010


A little less than 12 weeks to the arrival of Baby G.

"You are in the home stretch!" Well at least that is what thinks. is a website all about babies etc that sends weekly updates about the baby's development and what you should also be experiencing at that time. Last Wednesday when I received my 28-week update, the article said that I was in the "home stretch". WOW!

The mental snowball started rolling down hill when at my last doctor's visit, my OB said I had one more visit (September 23rd) before I went to every 2 weeks. Wohhhh I thought that didn't happen until further down the road. Umm check the calendar my dear. You are "further down the road"! LOL. Ok, so that thought came and went because that was the end of August - still plenty of time right?? But the snowball picked up a little more snow last Sunday.

Last Sunday, September 5th, I had 3 months left to the date as I'm due December 5th. I was good with saying I have 3 month to go. Comfortable, because that is plenty of time to still do what I need to do and get what I need to get. But after the Wednesday weekly update from and the whole "home stretch" comment, I've started to panic a little (insert more snow here). 3 months sounds good. 12 weeks sounds like around the corner. GASP! I've only 12 weeks left???? It's my own fault.. I reverted. I wasn't supposed to be counting in months anyway!! :-) I'm not even going to START to list the things that I still need to do. But I'll get them done.. I always do and you will be so proud that I have already started chipping away at that laundry list.

There is just so much to think about when having a child and most of which has yet to enter my mind. Last week I got a call from my insurance agent, encouraging us to UP Ezra's policy AND mine. Huh??? Ok ok, I get it, it's called proper planning. It's what adults do that have children and a family. NEWSFLASH Marcia - That's you now! OK OK.. not that I want to think about the worst happening, but I surely don't want to be caught in the rain without an umbrella. And I'm quite anal about keeping a spare umbrella in the car for actual rain, why wouldn't I do this? But what set me back was when our agent started to talk about Life Insurance for the child. DO we HAVE to discuss this??? Of course he wasn't trying to be morbid or a downer, but just trying to help us to be the responsible parents that he knows we will be. It was just a bit much at the time. I wanted to retreat back to age 7, find my dolls and play house with them. Let someone else think about the heavy stuff. LOL. Can I go back to picking baby colors and clothes??? Yeeesh.

Besides all of that, the pregnancy is still going well. Baby G is getting stronger daily and has been quite active the last few days. Right now, he wakes when I do (well at least it's not long after I wake up, that I feel him move around) but he is also quite active during the night when I'm sound asleep. I know this because one night I couldn't get comfy and couldn't sleep and guess who decided to keep me company?? That's right, my little man rumbled and tumbled most of the while I was up trying to figure out ways to get back to sleep.

But all in all, I still can't complain. Except for that one night, I am sleeping pretty good at night - some nights better than others. It all depends on my liquid intake and my visits to the restroom. We start child-birthing class at the end of this month (insert more snow). I'm determined to do my part in easing labor so I have been walking 5 miles a week among other exercises. Hopefully I can keep that up, right up until the day of and relatively soon after. The weather has been really nice for my morning walks and I try to get out early so I can get back in and start my day. Which reminds me that I probably need to wrap it up so I can catch a few zzzz before it's time to hit the pavement. With that, I bid thee goodnight.

Until next time...