One month milestone met with flying colors!
On last Wednesday - January 5th, my little "EGG" turned 1 month old! A whole month has gone by already! On Sunday, January 9th, he was officially 5 weeks old. WOW! It's like time is flying and standing still all at the same time. I mean, on some days it seems that we are further along than a month and some days it's like - WOH a month has already passed. It is still taking a minute to get used to it all.
In celebration of his one month birthday, Ethan got a good report from the pediatrician for his 1 month check-up. He's gained a whole 2 lbs and 2 inches. Praise the Lord, everything looks good. Now, if we can just get him to sleep a TINSY bit longer at night.... :-)
While 5 weeks have already come and gone, I recall that I still have a lifetime ahead of me. Though that sounds like a long time, I am told over and over again to "savor each moment because they grow up so fast". I know this all too well. I look at my nieces and nephews and my friends' children and can't believe that they are at their ages. I have a niece about to go to college. She is actually the same age that I was when SHE was born. I remember changing her diaper and being mesmerized that she was so little and her cute little coos and smiles. Now she is going to college.. Yeeesh!
So I have been literally trying to savor the moment. Every day, I take some time to look at him and take it all in and hope the minutes go by a little slower. I know my little man won't be this little for very long and I am looking forward to the days when he starts to crawl, walk and talk. And one day I will gush over his little person. :-) But until then, I'm content with him curling his little body into the bend of my arm, nestling close for a nap without a care in the world. Yeah.... for now.. that works for me :-)
Until next time...
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